We’re In this together

These are trying times. Although we’re anxious to see our extended Locmamas family, we want to do it the right way. When our doors open, you can be assured that we have done our best to create a space that is welcoming, and above all else, safe.

Stylists will be wearing masks or facial coverings. Clients are required to do the same. 

We will only be booking three clients, per stylist each day. This means that there will never be more than more than 10 clients in the space at a time. For that reason, appointments will be at a premium. No call/no shows will not be tolerated. 

We will only be booking three clients, per stylist each day. This means that there will never be more than more than 10 clients in the space at a time. For that reason, appointments will be at a premium. No call/no shows will not be tolerated. 

Sorry, but guests are not permitted at this time. Only the client will be permitted into the salon space. 

Please arrive at the time of your appointment. 

Please wash your hands upon entering the salon space. 

Above all else, if you’re sick, please stay home and get well. This includes colds or allergies.